J. Jill Robinson, B.A., M.A. (Calgary), M.F.A. (Fairbanks). Born June 16, 1955 in Langley, B.C. Was married to poet Steven Ross Smith; one son, born 1995, Emmett H Robinson Smith. Writer of fiction both short and long, and of creative non-fiction. Writer-in-Residence, Regina Public Library 2019-2020; Saskatoon Public Library 2004-2005; Red Deer College. Editor of Grain magazine 1995 – 1999. Teacher of English Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Calgary; University of Saskatchewan; St. Peter's College, Muenster; SUNTEP, First Nations University of Canada. Writer in Residence for Regina Public Library 2020-2021, Southern Alberta Libraries in 2010-11, and for the Canadian Authors' Association, Alberta Branch, 2011-12. Mentor many times for the WGA, and SWG. Her work has appeared in Geist, Event, Prairie Fire, subTerrain, The Antigonish Review, and the University of Windsor Review, and in the anthologies Slice Me Some Truth, and Somebody's Child. Her first novel, More In Anger, was published by Thomas Allen in Spring 2012. She lived in Banff from 2012 - 2021, and now lives on Galiano Island, B.C.