You Can Have More, a joint reading with Rona Altrows (Calgary) and Katherine Koller (Edmonton)

Katherine Koller

You Can Have More, a joint reading with Rona Altrows (Calgary) and Katherine Koller (Edmonton)

HomeLiterary Reading or Event

Event: Apr 13, 2022 | 15:00 PM (EDT)
| Virtual

Rona Altrows and Katherine Koller warmly invite you to a free online reading, You Can Have More, on Wednesday, April 13 at 7 pm MDT. Rona reads her personal essay "I Walk with a Stick" and Katherine reads her short story "The Potato Thief." After the readings, Katherine and Rona interview each other and welcome audience questions and comments.

Please email or to confirm attendance and to receive the Zoom link before the event.

Rona Altrows and Katherine Koller gratefully acknowledge the National Readings Program of The Writers' Union of Canada.