Emily Southwood is a non-fiction, screenplay and fiction writer. She’s the author of the memoir Prude: lessons I learned when my fiancé filmed porn (Seal Press) and the writer of a subsequent feature-film adapted comedy Karen (in production with Prospector Films). Her first novel More to Lose is forthcoming. Emily’s passion is for telling thought-provoking and entertaining female narratives of resilience. Bonus if she makes you laugh out loud.
Emily has 20 years of experience as a freelance writer and editor and is a substitute teacher for The New Frontiers School Board. She holds a BA in Honours English Literature and Creative Writing from Concordia and an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia. Once upon a time she lived in big cities and travelled the world; she now resides by a river with her husband, two sons, two dogs and one horse in Southwestern Quebec.