Kim Trainor is the granddaughter of an Irish banjo player and a Polish faller who worked in logging camps around Port Alberni in the 1930s. Her earlier books are Karyotype (Brick Books, 2015), Ledi (Book*hug, 2018), shortlisted for the Raymond Souster award, and A thin fire runs through me (icehouse poetry / Goose Lane Editions, 2023). Her latest book is A blueprint for survival (Guernica Editions, 2024). She has won the Gustafson Prize, The Malahat Review’s Long Poem Prize, and The Antigonish Review’s Great Blue Heron Poetry Prize, and has been anthologized in Best Canadian Poetry in English, Global Poetry Anthology, and Worth More Standing: Poets and Activists Pay Homage to Trees (2022). Her poems have appeared in Anthropocenes (AHIP), Ecocene, ISLE, Ecozon@, Dark Mountain (UK) and Fire Season I and II (Vancouver). Her poetry films have screened at Zebra Poetry Film Festival (Berlin) and at +the Institute [for experimental art] (Athens), as well as in Dublin and Seattle. Kim’s most recent project is “walk quietly / ts’ekw’unshun kws qututhun,” a guided walk at Hwlhits’um (Canoe Pass) in Delta, BC, featuring contributions from artists, scientists, and Hwlitsum and Cowichan knowledge holders. Her next book, Blue thinks itself within me: Lyric poetry, ecology, and lichenous form will appear with Oskana Poetry and Poetics (University of Regina Press) in 2026.
What is it like to be a tree? We will:
choose a tree from a selection of resources brought to the session (reference books, colour photocopies of specific trees, descriptions of their Indigenous uses);
gather images, words, and ideas we want to use in our tree poem;
write our poems on sheets of pale green paper;
tie our tree poems gently to the branches of a local tree to create an art installation.