Peter Such was born in England and came as a youngster to Canada in 1953. He worked loading freightcars for the Canadian National Railways and in uranium mines, Elliot Lake. He graduated from Victoria College, University of Toronto(M.A. 1966) and was a working class member of "the group that revitalized Canadian Literature in the '70s...no one in Canadian Literature is as eclectic as Peter Such." (Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature) He has written a CBC prime time tv series,Homefires; an award-winning film documentary, Free Dive; plays, opera librettos, academic works, poetry, short stories, nonfiction and 5 novels. He is a founding member of The Writers' Union of Canada and founding vice-president of CMPA. He is also a founder/publisher of Impulse magazine and a former editor of Books in Canada. He has been a writer-in-residence at U. of T. (Erindale) and instituted the first Can. Lit. courses offered at Ryerson, U. of T., and York University, where he founded the Centre for Distance Learning and Teaching Technology. He is an international lecturer and consultant on Canadian Studies and Internet Learning. He is married to artist Joyce Kline. After many years of working in other genres he completed the futuristic novel, Earthbaby, while Visiting Professor at Helsinki and Tampere Universities in Finland, courtesy of an award from the Finnish Academy. 20 years ago he moved to Victoria B.C. acting as Associate Vice President of University of the Fraser Valley. He is currently President of the Victoria College of Art, and Past President of the Victoria Arts Council. He is working on a new hybrid "big book" titled The Shrapnel Generation.