Are you interested in applying to the National Public Readings program? Please review frequently asked questions below. 

  1. How do I apply? Where do I find the application form?
    The application form is available on the National Public Readings program page. Authors and hosts may apply for funding for in-person or virtual public author readings across Canada. Applications for Fall/Winter readings (September 1 – March 31) typically open in June and applications for Spring/Summer readings (April 1 – August 31) typically open in January.
  2. Does the event need to be free, or can I sell tickets?
    The event must be advertised to the public, but does not need to be free.
  3. I’ve arranged a reading at a bookstore/library. Should I classify the event as “self-hosted” or “hosted by an organization”?
    If you've organized the event and are managing the promotion, etc., then you can consider the reading self-hosted. But you can also consider it hosted by the bookstore/library if you feel that you and the host are sharing the responsibilities or if they're doing the bulk of the promotion/organizing. Either would be acceptable.
  4. When will I find out if my application has been successful?
    Application results are provided to the author within 4 weeks of the application deadline. The Union will notify applicants by email.
  5. Does the program cover travel?
    Travel reimbursement is available for readings taking place more than 100km from the author’s home to a maximum of $100. TWUC’s travel contribution is capped in order to maximize the number of readings available for members. Copies of travel expense receipts (with the exception of mileage for which no receipt is required) will need to be uploaded when completing the Final Reading Report (TWUC Member Portal login required).
  6. Does the program cover meals? Accommodations?
    No, we do not reimburse expenses for meals or accommodations.
  7. Can I co-present a reading with another author?
    Yes, you can share a reading with another author. However, authors participating in this program must be members of the Union. Each participating author must complete an application. As applications almost always exceed available funding, we cannot guarantee that both applications will be approved.
  8. Why didn’t I get approved? How do you choose the successful applicants?
    Applications for all programs continue to significantly exceed available funding. Funding is allocated based on the Union's program priorities, distributing readings to as many members as possible, and by lottery. As part of the Union's Equity Implementation Plan, a portion of funding will be allocated to applications for readings by members who self-identify as Black, Indigenous, racialized, LGBTQI2S, or living with a disability.
  9. My reading was cancelled, can I use the funding for next year?
    Funding is non-transferable, due to large demand on the Union’s funding programs. If your reading has been cancelled, please let us know so that we can reallocate the funding to another author. You can reapply for another reading for the next funding period.
  10. My reading was approved, how can I promote the event to members and others?
    Once your reading has been approved and you have confirmed the details for your event, you are encouraged to promote widely. Please promote your reading to your publisher, website, social media and networks. As a member, you are also encouraged to promote your work via the following:
  11. My virtual reading was approved, will you set-up the Zoom link?
    No, it is the responsibility of the author or host to set-up the Zoom link or virtual platform for the event.
  12. Where can I find the logos for acknowledgement? Where do I get the event poster?
    It is the responsibility of the author or host to produce publicity materials for the event. All publicity materials must include TWUC's logo and the Canada Council for the Arts logo. A reminder that authors must submit promotional materials with their final report. Click here to access logo and acknowledgement guidelines.
  13. Where can I find the Final Report? 
    To complete the Final Report, log into the TWUC Member Portal. Final Reports for Funding Programs are available here: All members have an existing account. If you don’t know your login information, use the Forgot Password tool. Please do not create a new account.

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