Hologram: An Homage to P.K. Page

Marvyne Jenoff

Hologram: An Homage to P.K. Page

HomeNew Publication

I am pleased to be part of a beautiful new anthology, Hologram: an Homage to P.K.Page, in memory of this well-known Canadian poet and visual artist. Edited by Yvonne Blomer and D.C. Reid, the book was published earlier this fall by Caitlin Press. It includes poems and brief reminiscences by poets across the country and intersperses colour reproductions of some of Page’s visual art. My poem, "It’s There,” referencing her paintings based on hands, also appears in Climbing the Rain, my latest book of poetry, published in 2022. http://www.marvynejenoff.org/in-print.html . There will be an online launch for Hologram sometime in November.