Upcoming Webinars
Past Webinars
2:00 pm ET
Establishing and Maintaining Continuity in a Fictional Series
Join us as we learn or strengthen our skills in maintaining continuity in a fictional series. Presentation by Chuck Bowie.
2:00 pm ET
Intersectionality Now: Addressing Barriers in Writing
Join us in this discussion with authors Conyer Clayton, Christine McNair, and Brandon Wint. Hosted by Carla Harris.
2:00 pm ET
Energy is Currency: 8 Ways to Cultivate a More Sustainable Writing Career
Join Chelene Knight for an hour of deep insight into how you can take charge of your creative life. Hosted by Jane Enright.
2:00 pm ET
The Secret to Successful School Visits
Advice and best practices for authors preparing and performing school visits. Presentation by Marty Chan. Hosted by E. Graziani.
2:00 pm ET
Adaptations and Genre Shifting
Tips for adapting your writing; how to face the obstacles & expectations confidently by Sara de Waard. Hosted by Vanessa Shields.