Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)

  • Protects personal information from improper use and disclosure.
  • Gives the right to individuals to request information about themselves.
  • Gives the right to individuals to request corrections or additions to their personal information if they feel there are inaccuracies.

TWUC follows guidelines of PIPEDA where relevant. Most of its activities are non-commercial and therefore outside the scope of this law. PIPEDA applies to the sale of material and services.

A Definition of Personal Information:

Personal information is any information that can be used to distinguish, identify, or contact a specific individual.

Exceptions: business contact information and certain publicly available information, such as that published in telephone directories, are not considered personal information.

Privacy Protection Commitment:

The Writers’ Union of Canada (TWUC) is committed to protecting the privacy of members, donors, staff, and other stakeholders in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act and Protection of Privacy Act.

What personal information is collected?

  1. Dues, Sales, Services and Donation transactions: TWUC may collect personal information such as email addresses, phone numbers, billing addresses, and credit card  and banking information from individuals paying dues, purchasing publications or other services, or making donations.
  2. Members: Personal contact information as well as biographical and bibliographical information for members may be offered by such individuals and will be maintained in a database by TWUC staff and/or in the Union’s files. Correspondence of a confidential nature from members to the Union may be maintained in a paper or electronic filing system by TWUC staff. Copies of contracts and other information related to dealings with publishers and/or other individuals/businesses intended to be confidential are also maintained by the Union in a paper or electronic filing system.
  3. Website: TWUC may compile composite tallies of website page views, such terms, and other traffic information useful for improving the design and content of our site. This composite information does not identify individual users. The TWUC website does not use “cookies”.

Why is it collected, and what is it used for?

  1. Dues, Sales, Services and Donation transactions: This information may be collected by TWUC staff to: process dues payments; fulfill sales orders for publications or other services; registration for professional development programs and/or annual meeting; to provide a tax receipt, thank you correspondence, invoice, receipt or other correspondence related to a purchase, donation or dues payment; or to send renewal notices.
  2. Members: Information regarding members is collected to provide correspondence, newsletter and other information regarding the business of the Union. Biographical and bibliographical information provided by members, unless otherwise indicated by the member, is not considered to be confidential information and may be used for such purposes such as members’ webpages or promotion for readings. Copies of members’ contracts and related correspondence is collected to allow the Union to assist the individual member with a grievance or other query and to allow the Union to effectively undertake its efforts on behalf of other members.
  3. Website: No personal information is collected about general website visitors.

How is it collected?

  1. Dues, Sales, Services and Donation transactions: The information may be collected through various webforms available to writers and other individuals from the Union office. This information may also be taken over the phone as requested by the individual. [We strongly caution you not to provide personal information, including credit card information, by email.]
  2. Members: Some information may be collected through various webforms available to writers. Other information including correspondence and/or contracts is collected by mail, phone, or email by TWUC staff.
  3. Website: No personal information is collected about general website visitors.

Where is it kept and who has access?

All contact information for members, donors, and other individuals is tracked in a centralized database maintained by TWUC staff. This includes, if provided, personal contact information. The database shows payment method information including abbreviated credit card information (last four digits and credit card type only). Credit card transaction data is also stored externally through online iATS and Stripe payment systems with login information accessible only to staff. Credit card data is limited to first and last four digits only, as well as expiry date and credit card type.

Information related to bank account information (DDF and/or Void cheque) which is used to process payments is maintained in the Union's secure files for no more than 60 days after which time the information is deleted.

Original forms and documents (such as renewal forms and donation cards) are kept in the Union's files on site. Payment forms do not include credit card numbers and are shredded regularly. Credit card information taken by phone is shredded upon completion of the transaction. Some forms are kept in the Union's files on site, at the Union's off-site storage unit, and/or at McMaster University. (Portions of the Union’s files are sold to McMaster University’s archives for future research purposes.)

Correspondence from/to members and copies of contracts and other relevant correspondence are maintained in the Union’s files on site, at the Union’s off site storage unit, and/or at McMaster University.

What security measures are used?

TWUC’s offices are locked and secured by an alarm system and evening patrols.

TWUC’s offsite storage is locked and secured.

TWUC’s files at McMaster are accessible by researchers except for Grievance Committee, Membership Committee, and individual members’ files, which are embargoed for a minimum of 25 years (unless permission is obtained from the Union and McMaster).

The centralized database is accessible by TWUC staff only using individual usernames and passwords.

To whom is it disclosed?

TWUC does not disclose personal information to any third parties except during a payment transaction when financial information is disclosed to relevant financial and credit institutions in order to process the payment or to a third-party mailer from time to time to facilitate large mailings to members and other stakeholders.

TWUC does not sell, trade or rent personal information to other organizations or individuals, TWUC does not use personal information outside of the purpose for which it is intended.

When is it disposed of?

Financial records from sales transactions are kept on file for a period of seven years as per the Canada Revenue Agency requirements, and then are destroyed by shredding.

Correspondence from/to members and copies of contracts and other relevant correspondence are maintained in the Union’s files on site, at the Union’s off site storage unit, and/or at McMaster University.

TWUC’s files, which have been sold to McMaster, remain the property of McMaster unless they are transferred or donated to a category “A” institution as defined by the Cultural Property Export and Import Review Board or transferred/donated with the permission of the Union.

Any questions or complaints can be directed to:
TWUC Privacy Officer
600-460 Richmond St. W.
Toronto, ON  M5V 1Y1