Ashlee is a poet, preacher and mama who spends her days writing stories and feeding people in Toronto. Born in Niger, to a Peruvian Mama and Canadian Dad, Ashlee dreams in English, Spanish and French.
JK- Gr. 2 – 45 – 60 mins (including speaker-led multilingual “brain breaks” for children)
Reading of “Senora Sanasana” followed by a character creation workshop including a LA tie-in worksheet for Gr. 2 and a drawing activity for younger ages.
Reading of “Senora Sanasana” followed by learning Spanish words and class discussion about languages spoken and heard in the children’s home and communities and creation of a classroom word cloud of words in other languages the children know.
Gr. 3-6 – 45 – 60 mins
Character creation workshop based on common nursery rhymes, sayings and idiomatic expressions, including worksheet and writing activity and group discussion about the rhymes and sayings from their diverse backgrounds. Workshop includes time for students to share their characters.
Highschool – 45 – 60 mins or two sessions for increased content creation time
Introduction to critique circle practices and character creation workshop (see above). Workshop includes discussion of “own voice” stories and how to create supportive, compassionate and constructive writing critique groups.