Sandra Nicholls has written two books of poetry, three novels and numerous short stories. Her first novel, And the Seas Shall Turn to Lemonade, was short listed for the K.M.Hunter Artists Award and was published in the fall of 2011. Her second book of poetry, Woman of Sticks, Woman of Stones, won the Archibald Lampman Award, and was a finalist for the Pat Lowther Award. A poem from her first collection, The Untidy Bride, took third prize in the international Stephen Leacock competition. She has just finished her third novel, The Ornamental Man, a literary thriller about a grieving woman who hires a "hermit" to live in her dead husband's shed. Her second novel, The Third Road, is set in Malaya during the Communist uprising of 1948, and she is currently finishing her fourth novel, To be Honest, which explores the challenges of remaining honest within families. Sandra lives in Ottawa, with her husband, guitarist and composer, Roddy Ellias. In the summer of 2018, they wrote an opera together, Sleeping Rough, which was performed with puppets at the Music and Beyond Festival. Their most recent project is an album of songs about the experience of the pandemic. Not This Room is available on Bandcamp. You can visit her website at www.sandranicholls.com.