Born and raised in St. Catharines, Ontario, Terri Favro is a Toronto-based freelance writer, novelist, essayist, storyteller and copywriter. Terri is the author of Sputnik's Children (ECW 2017), an alt-reality novel described by Publisher's Weekly as "funny, touching, genre-bending, and one of a kind"; the novel was a Globe100 book, longlisted for CBC Canada Reads 2020 and shortlisted for the Sunburst Award. The sequel, The Sisters Sputnik, is forthcoming in May, 2022. Terri is also the author of the popular science book Generation Robot: A Century of Science Fact, Fiction and Speculation (Skyhorse, New York, 2018 and 2020) Once Upon A Time in West Toronto (Inanna 2017);) and The Proxy Bride (Quattro Books, 2012), winner of the Ken Klonsky-Quattro Books Novella Prize. Terri also collaborates with visual artist Ron Edding on the Bella graphic novel series, including Bella and the Loyalist Heroine, Waiting For Maria Puzo, and Bella and the Facer Street Gang (Grey Borders). Terri has been a storyteller on the CBC Books digital storytelling series, All Told: True Stories From The True North, and her short fiction and non-fiction essays have appeared in Prism, Broken Pencil, Humber Literary Review, untethered, Geist, Grain, Accenti, MORE, Riddle Fence, The Toronto Star, Red Line (U.K.). and numerous anthologies including Clockwork Canada: Steampunk Fiction (Exile Editions, 2016). She was also the on-camera storyteller for the TeleLatino Network documentary Sbarco a Ellis, which documents Italian-Canadian immigration through Ellis Island in the early 20th century. Terri was a finalist in the Broken Pencil Indie Writers Deathmatch and the CBC Canada Writes Literary Prize for Creative Non-Fiction. Learn more at terrifavro.ca