Werner Zimmermann

Author of  At the Pond (Scholastic 2019) , Snow Day (Scholastic 1999) and the Alphonse series of books, Werner also illustrates for other authors: Helaine Becker ( 2014 Libris Award winner 2010  Porcupine in a Pine Tree) and Jean Little (2003 Mr Christie Award winner Pippin the Christmas Pig)


Born in Austria, he grew up in southern Ontario, where he discovered in Grade 2 a love of art and a deep dislike of books and reading.  That has since changed to the point where he now buys too many books for the time he has for reading.  He visits schools and libraries  whenever he can, speaking to chidren from JK up to young and old adults interested in creativity through picture or word.  As a drawing instructor to students studying animation at the college level he knows the importance of creativity and what books bring to the world of art and story-telling.  As well, having dicovered his love of art in primary school, he likes to share the importance of reading as well drawing to even the youngest. 

Combining art and music along with work from the studio and PP presentation, Werner strives to bring his audience, regardless of age, into the wonder of storytelling.  Having been a reluctant reader, he never forgets to inspire those like him to discover the beauty and richness of reading.

When not working on a new book, Werner  divides his time between  his art and teaching picture book illustration and life drawing to animation students at Seneca  College in Toronto.

City: Guelph, Province/Territory: Ontario
children's picture books
Presentation details
Audience Size
Audience size
limited only by venue.
Presentation Length
30 - 60 min, half day or full day
Presentation Description
Presentation description

Please see https://wernerzimmermann.ca/visits/

Presentation Fee(s)
please contact me for details
Workshop details
Audience Size
30 - 100
Intended Audience
7 yrs and up
Workshop Length
half day and full day
Workshop Description
Workshop description

  please visit https://wernerzimmermann.ca/visits/

Workshop Fee(s)
Please contact
School presentation details
Audience Size
30 - 60
Intended Audience
K - 8
Presentation Length
30 - 60 min
Presentation Description
Presentation description

Please see https://wernerzimmermann.ca/visits/


Presentation Fee(s)
Please contact me
Programs & Interests
Interested in participating Union’s Ontario Writers-in-the-Schools program:
All members are eligible for the Union’s Ontario Writers-in-the-Schools program. Are you interested in participating in this pro
Interested in participating in the Northern Ontario WITS program:
The Union’s Northern Ontario Writers-in-the-Schools program funds in-person visits to northern Ontario schools when possible. Ar