Upcoming Webinars
The Writers' Union of Canada presents webinars on a range of craft and business topics for writers. All TWUC webinars are closed captioned. Learn more about accessibility at the Union. The following webinars are open to the public; members of the Union can find special member-exclusive webinars and recordings in the TWUC Member Portal.
2:00 pm ET
11:00 am PT
Getting that Grant with Canada Council
Join representatives from Canada Council for the Arts as they provide info on different granting streams available for writers.
Past Webinars
2:00 pm ET
Getting that Grant!
Do you know what makes a strong grant application? With Sue Carter from the OAC and professional grant writer Lindsay Zier-Vogel.
3:00 pm ET
TWUC Town Hall
Town Hall for members with TWUC Chair Danny Ramadan, First Vice-Chair Kim Fahner, and CEO John Degen.
2:00 pm ET
Author Hacks and Apps
Presentations by Debbie Ridpath Ohi, Liana Tang, Nic Brewer, and Angel Di Zhang. Hosted by Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail.
2:00 pm ET
Revise Like a Pro
A webinar on the novel revision process from start to finish, presented by Jessica Vitalis. Hosted by Chanel Sutherland.
2:00 pm ET
Meet a Book Buyer
Insight into the bookselling process with Mike Hamm (Bookmark Halifax), Jason Krawczyk (Little Ghosts Books), & Jacqueline Dumas.