Kim Thompson grew up in Yorkton, Saskatchewan. Her path to writing was rather long and meandering. First she discovered a love of History at the University of Saskatchewan, then went to Film School in Toronto. While working as a Production Manager at the animation company Nelvana, she was given a chance to try her hand at writing cartoons. It turned out she was quite good at it, and has since churned out oodles of scripts for Franklin, Caillou, Max and Ruby, Jacob Two-Two, Magi Nation, The Doodlebops, Rolie Polie Olie, Busytown Mysteries, George Shrinks, and others. During all this, however, a story was percolating in the back of her brain, and when she finally took the time to sit and write it down the result was her first novel, Eldritch Manor, a Silver Birch nominee for 2014. (It also became the first of a series of three, all published by Dundurn.) Kim relocated from busy Toronto to a little house in the woods of Salt Spring Island, B.C. which she shares with a wry teenager and a mooching bird. Kim runs writing workshops, blogs about children’s books (Rarest Kind of Best), works on picture books and new novels, and stares out the window at birds and trees whenever she runs out of words.