Jess Dunkin is a settler writer and researcher living in Sǫ̀mba K’è (Yellowknife, NT), in Akaitcho Territory (Treaty 8), the homeland of the Yellowknives Dene. She is a graduate of The Writer’s Studio at Simon Fraser University and has a PhD in Canadian history from Carleton University. Her first book, Canoe and Canvas, is a monograph about the social and spatial politics of canoeing in late-nineteenth-century North America, published with the University of Toronto Press in 2019. In addition to academic journals and edited collections, Jess's non-fiction writing on recreation, culture, and the environment has appeared in Up Here, Edge YK, and Barista, and on NiCHE.org, ActiveHistory.ca, and spacing.ca. She is currently working on a novel set in early-1980s Yellowknife.