Although she started making books at the age of nine, Joan Marie Galat wasn’t published until 12 years old, when she became a paid weekly newspaper columnist. Today she is the international award-winning author of more than 30 books with titles in eight languages. Make Your Mark, Make a Difference: A Kid's Guide to Standing Up for People, Animals, and the Planet (Aladdin/Beyond Words) is a Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection. Other titles include Mortimer: Rat Race to Space (DCB), Absolute Expert: Space (National Geographic Kids), Solve This! Wild and Wacky Challenges for the Genius Engineer in You (National Geographic Kids), Dot to Dot in the Sky—Stories of the Aurora (Whitecap Books).
Joan shares her love of the stars in the Dot to Dot in the Sky series which combines the science of the night sky with the ancient myths that give constellations and planets their names. Her first title, Dot to Dot in the Sky, Stories in the Stars, became a best seller within six weeks of its release. Joan’s books for children explore astronomy, ancient myths and legends, light pollution, engineering, history, and nature, and include both fiction and non-fiction. Her titles for adults include a travel guide and motivational title.
A prolific writer for all ages and relentless promoter of reading and STEM and STEAM topics (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math), Joan loves to use storytelling to connect with audiences. Career highlights have encompassed international speaking engagements including a United Nations Environment Programme event in Seoul, South Korea in 2016; the International Dark-Sky Association conference in the USA (2018), touring in Australia (2019) and New Zealand (2024), international book fair events, and touring at schools, libraries, and other events across Canada.
Joan operates MoonDot Media, a communications business offering writing and editing solutions in broadcast, print, and multi-media. Her freelance jobs have encompassed writing radio and video scripts, an Internet cartoon, magazine articles, exhibit text, speechwriting, annual reports, and other projects. She provides corporate training including plain language writing, email etiquette, writing for the web, and public speaking. Joan also provides consults for writers on query letters, manuscripts, and the submission process.
- Presentations designed to build reading and writing skills -
When it comes to helping students find the joy in reading and writing, the sky’s the limit for astronomy author, storyteller, and freelance writer, Joan Marie Galat. In lively presentations that blend facts, storytelling, and writing tips, Joan launches reluctant readers into books, without leaving anyone behind.
Students of all ages find it hard to resist the lure of constellations, exploding stars, and black holes. From ancient myths to the marvels of space, Joan also intrigues young writers with her story of becoming a paid columnist at age 12. By the end of a presentation, students will head to the library to take out books and appreciate the idea that writing can be fun. They’ll also know how to find the North Star.
Joan’s presentations, perfect for grabbing the attention of all ages, provide links to science and social studies curriculums. Chris Hadfield, Dr. Roberta Bondar, and other astronauts and experts have read and endorsed Joan’s books. Read their comments, along with with feedback from teachers, librarians, and students.
See presentation descriptions on Joan's website.
Write Like a Rat – NEW student writing workshop in 2023
Mortimer, a journal-keeping lab rat on the International Space Station is determined to prove his species is best suited to colonizing Mars. He records the results in his journal, uses a secret code, and makes videos for his YouTube channel. Discover how you too can write like a rat. Based on Mortimer: Rat Race to Space (DCB).
A Rat, A Rocket, and Science NEW 2023 presentation (grades 3-8)
Discover how scientific facts and imagination mix, and what happens when a journal-keeping lab rat starts thinking about colonizing Mars. We’ll talk about research, misinformation, and correcting mistakes—both in writing and friendships—in this lively and informative session based on the STEM-themed middle grade novel: Mortimer: Rat Race to Space (DCB).
MoonDot Media workshops are designed to leave participants confident and ready to apply new skills. Ask about customized content or choose from the courses outlined here under the subheadings Creative Writing, Corporate Writing, and Speaking (including storytelling and media relations).
Creative Writing Workshops
Interested in writing but not sure how to make your words sing? Explore and grow your creative writing abilities in WordPlay. You’ll discover how to turn everyday events into treasured tales, packed with punch. Expect a creativity warm-up, an idea-generating activity, and time to write your first draft of an unforgettable story.
The Business of Getting Published
Joan Marie Galat shares her journey from 12 year-old weekly newspaper columnist to best selling, award-winning author. Discover how to sell your manuscript, when it's okay to sell first and write later, and strategies you can use to reach your publishing goals.
A Medley of Nonfiction Writing
Discover the many aspects of writing nonfiction. This workshop explores opportunities for both writing and selling your nonfiction work, from fun and informative books for kids to true stories, travel, and self-help.
Writing Your Own Story
You have a personal story to tell but aren't sure how to get started. Find out how to organize and best record the stories of your life in this memoir writing workshop.
Master the Art of Writing Query Letters
Find out how to make the best impression with agents and publishers. Discover what information belongs in your letter and what's forbidden. One-on-one feedback available, time permitting.
Email Queries
Communication and etiquette mistakes can make agents and editors say "No!" before reading to the end of your submission. This session offers skills specific to email correspondence and social media.
Think Creative
Develop new habits that lead to creative thinking. This fun workshop shows how to nurture your imagination, generate ideas, and overcome writing blocks.
Create It, Write It, Revise It
A workshop designed to empower your writing abilities and publishing know-how.
Newsletter Writing
Never dread writing a newsletter again. Learn how to write a letter that will engage your readers, and be as fun to write as it is to read.
Christmas Letters
Create a letter masterpiece. Find out how to write a letter that will leave friends and family looking forward to your annual news.
Corporate Writing Workshops
Reduce Your Email with Effective Writing
Email can take more time than you have to give. Discover essential tips to reduce the clutter in your Inbox, express yourself effectively, and save time.
Email Etiquette
Writing mistakes can lead to wrong impressions that damage relationships or discourage others from considering your point of view. Discover how to enhance your electronic correspondence with effective writing strategies.
Plain Language Writing
Learn how to communicate in language your readers understand. Topics covered include how to target your audience, write concisely, edit for style, and evaluate your own work. Exercises reinforce writing techniques that help you say what you mean to say.
Writing for the Web
Improve your online presence with clear, concise, and engaging content. Participants learn through exercises that reinforce writing and self-editing techniques.
Report Writing
Make it easy for your audience to understand and respond to your content. This workshop will show you how to decide what to include, emphasize, or leave out. Discover how to organize and present your content, ensure consistent style, and write in simple, concise language.
Creative Problem Solving
Everyone has the capacity to be creative. This professional development workshop involves team building activities to build creative thinking and problem solving skills.
Speaking Workshops
Public Speaking & Media Training
Discover how to express yourself clearly and feel good about it next time you speak to a group or answer questions from the media. This workshop includes how to plan, perform, and cope with special situations.
Corporate Storytelling-Make Your Point
Storytelling is the most ancient and powerful communication method. Learn how to use stories to help audiences remember your most important points. Discover how stories can help you extract emotion, change behavior, and promote your message.
Master Your Virtual Presentation or Rock Your Online Reading WEBINARS - new in 2020
How do you project your best self when speaking to a camera lens? From lighting, camera angles, and backgrounds, to overcoming nerves and planning a lively session that will keep your audience engaged, this webinar will give you the tools you need to deliver your best online talk.
Public Speaking for Artists
Audiences expect you to share yourself as well as your work. They want to know about your inspiration, work habits, and plans. Discover how to express yourself clearly and feel good about it next time you speak to a group or answer questions from the media.
Use Storytelling to Follow Your Star
Tell stories to persuade, instruct, challenge, and of course—entertain! Learn to draw from personal experience to use storytelling to your advantage. This workshop triggers the telling of short, meaningful stories, with you as the star teller.
Interview Skills for History Projects
Learn how to gather information with effective interview techniques. Includes activities to help you build solid skills for conducting meaningful interviews. Topics include how to prepare, phrase questions, research, and take notes.