An Evening with the Authors

Mitchell Toews

An Evening with the Authors

HomeLiterary Reading or Event

Event: May 9, 2023 | 20:00 PM (EDT)

Three ex-Steinbach, MB residents, authors Faith Eidse, Charity Schellenberg, and Mitchell Toews return home to discuss their respective 2023 book launches. TWUC member Mitchell Toews is publishing "Pinching Zwieback" (At Bay Press) on October 24, a collection of short stories that focuses on the author's experiences in the Steinbach of the 50s - 70s.

The event is in the main auditorium at the Mennonite Heritage Village Museum and will include readings, discussion, and Q & A. Refreshments to follow. Admission is free and signed books and periodicals will be available for purchase. 7-9 pm CDT.

Poster for authors Faith Eidse, Charity Schellenberg, and Mitchell Toews