Irene Marques
"The Case for Literary Extroversion and Human Consciousness Expansion in Canadian Literature: Writing, Identity and Belonging Beyond the Anglo-Saxon Ethic and Aesthetic”
New Publication
Event: Apr 18, 2024 | 22:42 PM (EDT)
The collective Reconstructions of Canadian Identity, Towards Diversity and Inclusion edited by Vander Tavares and Maria João Maciel Jorge (York University) was just released by the University of Manitoba Press. My article "The Case for Literary Extroversion and Human Consciousness Expansion in Canadian Literature: Writing, Identity and Belonging Beyond the Anglo-Saxon Ethic and Aesthetic” is included and deals with what I deem to be very important aspects that need to be addressed in the Canadian Lit Scene, which are seldom dealt with in a serious or direct manner when discussing ideas related to diversity in writing. One of my main arguments is that our Literature continues to privilege the Anglo way of thinking/writing/telling stories, even when it encourages/promotes/publishes writing by traditionally marginalized groups (put differently: writers can tell their different stories as long as they follow a certain how/aesthetic, which I argue is Anglo-centered). This fuels clichéd/stifling writing about different Canadians and does note promote real diversity. I tie this with other aspects of the Canadian or Global Lit scene related to low translations from other languages into English, the predominance of English as a global market language, the proliferation of creative writing programs in universities, the individuals running the writing/literary/publishing industry (what have they read, what groups do they belong to, were they educated fully in Canada, what knowledge do they have of world literature, why/how are they appointed to literary jury panels, etc.), and many other arguments, which obviously I can fully relay here! Check the book here for details: https://uofmpress.ca/books/reconstructions-of-canadian-identity
The book is available in paper and E formats.
All my best,
Irene Marques
Posted: Apr 20, 2024