Instant Karma

Jim Lowrey

Instant Karma

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     “Instant Karma”, my recently completed first novel, is a futuristic fantasy of challenges and resolutions in the struggle to create an enlightened society. The background of the story is:
     After thousands of years of religious persecutions and wars came the Realignment, the victory of the Trinity or Trikaya over the Three Lords of Materialism. The Trinity holds that God is one God, but has three aspects, sometimes called the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The three are distinct, yet are one nature. The Trikaya, the three bodies or modes of being of the Buddha, are similar—the unmanifested, the luminous, and the physical manifestation.
     Following their victory, the survivors of the Realignment are at odds again.  Each group—the political, religious, and business—claims to be the one chosen to inherit the earth.
“Instant Karma” is available on Amazon.