Audrey Whitson's novel, The Death of Annie the Water Witcher by Lightning (NeWest 2019), set in rural Alberta during the BSE crisis and drought of 2003 was a finalist for the 2020 Robert Kroetsch City of Edmonton Book Prize. The Glorious Mysteries, a collection of short fiction, was longlisted for the 2014 Frank O'Connor International Short Story Award. Teaching Places, a memoir about how the land teaches, was shortlisted for three awards in 2004. Audrey's poetry, essays and short stories have been published in many magazines and anthologies and have won awards. Audrey was the Writer in Residence at MacEwan University in 2023 and lives on amiskwacîwâskahikan (Treaty 6 Territory).
Readings from published work followed by audience Q&As, readings within an interview format followed by Q&As, or a talk on the writing life based on the author's experience and supported by readings from her published and unpublished work.
Participatory writing workshops with prompts and exercises, sharing aloud of written work and guidelines for constructive sharing. I have done these with eleven-and-twelve year olds as well as adults. Of late, I am particularly interested in exploring how to read like a writer.
Writing workshop geared to a younger audience (age-appropriate reading and other prompts and exercises).