Kara Smith, poet Ghobhainn, is an educator and poet living in the Western Hebrides. She is best known for the travel poetry series The Travelling Professor; The Artists of Crow County (Black Moss Press, 2017); memoir Next to the Ice (Mosaic Press, 2016); the text Teaching, Learning, Assessing (Mosaic Press, 2007); for creating international multi-disciplinary curriculum with the University of Highlands & Islands (UHI), University of Windsor and La Roche D’Hys. She is the former books’ review editor for The Canadian Journal of Education. Cogeco’s television series, “Let’s Talk” with host Cas McGeown featured Smith in 2013. Kara Smith received the ‘Distinguished Contributions to University Teaching’ award in 2013, and was the Chatham-Kent Cultural Centre’s (CCC) Writer-in-Residence in 2015-2016. Working extensively with artists, Smith’s CCC poetry and writings may be found online at: travellingprofessor.blogspot.ca @Mastodon.scot@ghobhainn