Ever since I can remember, I have loved to draw, paint, write, read, and sing. I was 12 years old when my first cartoon was published in a Toronto newspaper. I got paid five dollars for that cartoon, so I figured that maybe I should keep drawing. I’ve been writing, drawing and painting ever since.
Over the years I have worked as a short-order cook, a library technician, a book binder, a desktop publisher and a graphic designer. But what I love to do the most is to create from within –– be it writing and illustrating books for kids, or creating a new painting, or singing and playing my ukulele.
Books have always been a very big part of my life. My husband works for the Toronto Public Library (yes, we met at a library!), so I guess you could say that I married into the family business. I live in Toronto, Canada, with my husband Guy in a cosy old house overflowing with books and art.