Ann Walmsley is the author of The Prison Book Club (2015 Viking, Penguin Canada), which tells the story of the 18 months she spent participating in a book club in a men's medium-security prison. The Prison Book Club is the winner of the 2016 Edna Staebler Award for Creative Non-Fiction. It was longlisted for both the 2016 RBC Taylor Prize and the 2016 BC National Award for Canadian Non-Fiction and named as a best book of 2015 by the National Post and Book City. In the UK and Commonwealth, it is published by Oneworld Publications. Kinokuniya Co., Ltd. released a Japanese edition in August 2016. And Shanghai Joint Publishing Co., Ltd. will publish a forthcoming edition in translation in China.
Ann is also a magazine journalist whose work has appeared in The Globe and Mail Report on Business Magazine, Maclean's and many other publications. She is the recipient of four National Magazine Awards, a Canadian Business Journalism Award and two International Regional Magazine Awards. Her most recent literary dispatch was for English Pen and can be read on her website: http://www.annwalmsley.com.
Ann founded her first book club at age nine. She lives in Toronto.