From Chinese culture-rooted landscape to new and welcoming Canadian landscape, Anna Yin has found her home in poetry and authored five poetry collections and one collection of translations. She won the 2005 Ted Plantos Memorial Award, two MARTYs, two scholarships from USA and three grants from Ontario Arts Council. Anna was selected as Mississauga’s Inaugural Poet Laureate. Her poems/translations have appeared at Queen’s Quarterly, ARC Poetry, New York Times, China Daily, CBC Radio etc. She performed on Parliament Hill, at Austin International Poetry Festival, Edmonton Poetry Festival. She continues exploring landscapes through Poetry Alive workshops with multimedia. emai:anna.yin@gmail.com website: http//annapoetry.com
As Mississauga’s Inaugural Poet Laureate (2015-17), Anna has presented her poetry and stories at many important civic events in Mississauga and beyond, she has also read her poem at World Poetry event in Vancouver in 2012, at the 2014 Chinese New Year Celebration at parliament hill Ottawa, at 2015 Austin International Poetry Festival and universities in USA, Canada and China etc.
Her themes include bridging east and west cultures and stories with poems, Poetry for Health and Harmony and Poetry for Anti-Racism, Translating Poetry and Paintings etc.
Anna's Poetry Alive workshops can be haiku workshops, Poetry for Health and Harmony, Poetry for Anti-Racism and Poetry Translation, Editing and Publishing etc.
Depending on the audience and time, Anna will select interesting poems that related to daily life and writing exercises to help participants to explore their potential.
Here is the link of the list of selected poetry alive workshops at schools or communities since 2011:
Poetry Alive is designed to be fun, educational and appropriate for all ages. Through different types of poetry (haiku, concrete poems, free verse, sonnets, found poetry etc) reflecting daily life and connecting with the Natural world, Anna discusses how words, thoughts and images work together to enrich our experience of life. By combining arts and live audience participation, Anna helps those involved explore the world of imagination through words. Each time Anna adjusts her program to fit the needs of different audiences with various writing exercises, games or entertainment.
Here is the link of the list of selected schools Anna has visited as a Writer in Schools/Poet in Class since 2011: