Anne Fleming is the author of six books: Curiosities (Knopf 2024), a novel, and The Goat (Groundwood 2017), a novel for children, Poemw (Pedlar 2018), Gay Dwarves of America (Pedlar 2012), Anomaly (Raincoast 2005), and Pool-Hopping and Other Stories (Polestar 1998), which was shortlisted for the Governor-General’s Award, the Ethel Wilson Fiction Prize and the Danuta Gleed Award. Three stories from Gay Dwarves were shortlisted for National Magazine Awards; the title story won Gold and was also shortlisted for the Journey Prize. Her non-fiction has been published in Sharp Notions (Arsenal 2023), Queers Were Here (Biblioasis, 2016), Persistence: All Ways Butch and Femme (Arsenal 2011), Who’s Your Daddy (Sumach 2009), Great Expectations: Twenty-Four True Stories About Childbirth (Anansi 2008), and You Be Me (Annick 2002). She has been on faculty at the Banff Centre for the Arts Wired Writing Studio, and also at the UBC’s Vancouver campus, Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design, Kwantlen University College, and Douglas College. She currently teaches at the Okanagan campus of UBC.
Ages 9-12:
–Writing The Goat
Secondary school:
–Boredom is Good!
–Writing from a Model of Plenty