Author. Educator. Theatre Maker. Producer. Gatherer of creative folk.
Aren A. Morris is a Halifax-based educator and novelist.
She has been writing, directing and producing student theatre in education for decades and now works with Halifax Regional Arts.
Aren’s debut, We Happy Few, is a historical fiction novel taking place in Halifax, NS at the end of the Second World War and was released in May 2022. She has just completed a first draft of her sophomore novel, another historical fiction set in NS.
Her other endeavours include women’s creativity retreats, writing and producing children’s theatre and dance shows, and multidisciplinary collaborations with local artists, dancers and writers.
She is one half of the short lived and now defunct Black Box Publishing House, which is now evolving to become Black Box Creative Development Agency, a container large enough to hold and promote all of Aren’s creative interests and pursuits.
Community Building
One of the most important things you can do at the start of your school year or group gathering is to build a positive community where everyone feels they belong. While this takes time, energy and a consistent effort, both facilitators and participants will reap the benefits of a space where relationships are built not only between facilitator and participant, but also among the participants themselves.
Join Aren, a former high school drama/dance educator, current Fine Arts Specialist P-12, historical fiction novelist and gatherer of creative types to explore how the use of ensemble building techniques from the world of improv, dance and theatre can be used in any gathering space to build a community where confidence, trust, self-expression and working together are paramount.
Using items & stories found in the museum, participants will conduct basic local and historical research and find ways to naturally weave that information into their writing. Applicable in all genres and all skill levels where the writer wishes to infuse fact seamlessly into their writing.
Available as a fundraiser for regional museums across NS. Facilitated by author Aren A. Morris & hosted by museum curator.
A fun, energetic workshop where participants explore the art of improvised storytelling. Great way to shake off the cobwebs, battle writer's block and exercise your storytelling muscles in a new ways. Useful for all genres and skill levels.
Length - 90 min. Group sizes flexible. The perfect workshop for classrooms, writing groups & creative retreats.