I am a writer of poetry and creative non-fiction and sometimes fiction, as well as scholarship on trauma and literature.
My creative non-fiction project, Stars Need Counting: Essays on Suicide, with Gordon Hill Press, has just been published. Several essays from this collection were nominated for CNF awards at The New Quarterly and The Malahat Review. My most recent collection of poetry, This Real (Pedlar Press 2017) was long-listed for the League of Canadian Poet’s Raymond Souster Award. My poetry has appeared recently in The Capilano Review, experiment-o, and Hamilton Arts and Literature and is forthcoming in Wordgathering.
Discipline n.v.: A Lyric Memoir with Palimpsest Press, Spring 2023
Disordered (poetry) with Gordon Hill Press, Spring 2024
I teach English Literature and Creative Writing at Trent University and York University. I offer the following editorial services:
Non-Fiction and Fiction Manuscripts
Non-Fiction essays (creative non-fiction and experimental essays are welcome)
Poetry (a cluster of 10)
Short fiction
Academic essays in humanities disciplines (Cultural Studies/ Gender and Women's Studies/ Social Justice/ Critical Race Theory/ Mad Studies), as well as dissertations and academic monographs.
Contact me for details about fees.
Workshops can be designed to suit audience needs. Please do get in touch.