Christene A. Browne originally from St. Kitts is a well-respected and internationally acclaimed Toronto independent filmmaker and was the first Black woman to direct a feature film in Canada. In 2011 she was awarded the Visionary award by the Women's International Film & Television Showcase for her ground-breaking documentary series; Speaking in Tongues: The History of Language which features Noam Chomsky. She recently completed a feature documentary on Toronto’s Regent Park – the oldest and largest Canadian housing complex and is working on an animated documentary on the early life of famed Canadian author Austin Clarke. Her first novel Two Women (2013, Second Story Press) is about two women who share the same soul and deals with the cyclical nature of domestic violence. Her second novel Philomena (Unloved) (2018, Second Story Press) tells the story of a woman who lives a life devoid of love and deals with issues of sexual violence, mental health and homelessness. She is a contract lecturer at Ryerson University in the RTA School of Media.