Colette Maitland writes fiction, poetry and the occasional essay in Gananoque, ON. In 2013, Biblioasis published her first book, Keeping the Peace (short stories), which went on to be short-listed for the 2014 Re-Lit Award. The novel Riel Street with Frontenac House came out the following year and was later short-listed for an Alberta Book Award. Her most recent stories have been published in The Humber Literary Review (fall+winter/2017/2018), The New Quarterly (#155 Summer, 2020) and Best Canadian Stories 2021 (Anthology/Biblioasis). "Downsizing", published in The New Quarterly and Best Canadian Stories 2021, received the 2021 Metcalf/Rooke Award. Thanks to the OAC's Recommender Grants for Writers program and individual recommenders for their support of these new stories.