Debbie Okun Hill has been writing for over 35 years. She began her writing career as a journalist with a community newspaper in rural Manitoba then moved towards a profession in public relations with The Winnipeg Art Gallery, Lakehead University in Thunder Bay and Fanshawe College in London, Ontario before becoming a freelance writer in the early 1990s.
Today, she is a Canadian poet/blogger: a member of both The Writers' Union of Canada and the League of Canadian Poets, past president and life member of The Ontario Poetry Society, and the recipient of two Ontario Arts Council Writers Reserve grants.
Since 2003, over 480 of her poems have been published in over 175 different publications/websites including Descant, Existere, In/Words Magazine, Juniper, Other Voices, The Fieldstone Review, The Literary Review of Canada,The Windsor Review, and Vallum in Canada plus LUMMOX, Mobius, Still Points Arts Quarterly, TAMARACKS, The Binnacle, and THEMA in the US.
She has read her work in four different Canadian provinces and at such events as the Fringe Stage of the 2011 Eden Mills Writers’ Festival, the Niagara Literary Arts Festival, the Edmonton Poetry Festival, the first 2012 PoeTrain Express/Spring Pulse Poetry Festival in Cobalt, the 2015 Great Canadian PoeTrain Tour, and Toronto's ArtBar Reading Series.
Since January 2014, she has written over 190 features on her literary blog Kites Without Strings. She also posts reviews on Goodreads.
Check out her website/blog: http://okunhill.wordpress.com/
Content updated: March 9, 2024