Dorothyanne Brown, BNSc, MSc, former RN, is writer, editor, and occasional fibre artist. Her three children and their partners (and grandchild) are far away, so she lives instead with a recently adopted huge orange cat named Archy. She had to retire in 2008 due to multiple sclerosis. Since retirement, she has written two novels and several short stories, edited several novels, and contributed fibre art to several juried fairs and art galleries. She has been known to play the ukulele (unless you ask her to stop), and is an incurable volunteer.
Dorothyanne has been writing ever since her disastrous first poetry book (self-written, grade 4, filled with angst and fortunately lost to posterity). Some years ago she started writing and submitting in earnest, articles and short humour pieces, which were published in a variety of journals. She won the "Bony Pete” for a mystery story in 2010, got an honourable mention for another mystery at the Wolfe Island Scene of the Crime Festival, and was shortlisted for another story in both the 3daynovel and the Ken Klonsky novella contest through Quattro. She went on to publish that story as “Recycled Virgin” in 2020.