Ellen Schwartz has taught special education, elementary classes, and creative-writing courses for adults. She holds a BSc. in special education from the University of Wisconsin, and an MFA in creative writing from the University of British Columbia. She works as a corporate and freelance writer. Currently, she's writing picture books, juvenile novels and young adult novels.
Depending on the age level and interest of the audience, I talk about my writing process, from the initial idea through the publication of the book. I show my messy first draft and discuss the editing process and the production of the book. I may also discuss careers in writing and answer questions.
I talk about what makes vivid writing and give the kids writing prompts. Once they have written a first draft, I have them read their work in pairs and give each other editing suggestions. Volunteers read their work aloud.
I take the kids through the process of writing a books, from the initial idea through publication, including the messy first draft, the editing process and the production of the book. I answer questions and do a short reading.