H. Leighton Dickson grew up in the wilds of the Canadian Shield, where her neighbours were wolves, moose, deer and lynx. She studied Zoology at the University of Guelph and worked in the Edinburgh Zoological Gardens in Scotland, where she was chased by lions, wrestled deaf tigers and fed antibiotics to Polar Bears by baby bottle! She has been writing since she was thirteen and pencilled her way through university working for DC Comics.
Now repped by Looking Glass Literary & Media's Desiree Wilson, Heather got her start as an indie author with the Sci/Fi fantasy series, RISE OF THE UPPER KINGDOM, along with Gothic thriller series, COLD STONE & IVY. Then came the award-winning Dragons of Solunas series, with DRAGON OF ASH & STARS: The Autobiography of a Night Dragon and DRAGON OF SAND & STORM: The Autobiography of a Goddess. Her novel, SHIP OF SPELLS, will be published November 2025 by Red Tower Books, and the sequel, SHIP OF STARS, soon after.
Heather lives on the north shore of Lake Superior where the winters are long and the forest is at her back door. When she is not chasing her dogs, cats, foxes or grandchildren, she writes full time and works with several not-for-profit orgs to showcase the arts and culture of Northwestern Ontario.