Helaine Becker is the bestselling author of more than 90 books for children and young adults. A Porcupine in a Pine Tree was the #1 Canadian National Bestseller and received the Libris Picture Book of the Year Award from the C.B.A; the sequel, Dashing through the Snow, was also a National Bestseller. She’s a four-time winner of Silver Birch Awards: for Boredom Blasters in 2006, and Secret Agent Y.O.U. in 2008; What's the Big Idea? and Zoobots both received Silver Birch Honour Awards (2011,2014). The Insecto-Files andThe Big Green Book of the Big Blue Sea won the Lane Anderson Award for Science Writing. The Big Green Book also won the Outstanding Youth Book Award from the Canadian Science Writers Association. Her most recent nonfiction titles, Counting on Katherine, Zoobots and Worms for Breakfast: How to Feed a Zoo were all Junior Library Guild Selections.
Helaine also writes for children’s television and is in high demand as a performer at schools across North America. She has been selected three times for the Canadian Children’s Book Week Cross Country tour, travelling to Yukon, Nunavut and Manitoba to present to school children. She has been a featured speaker at the Tucson Book Festival, Vancouver Writers Festival, Blue Met Festival (Montreal), Frye Festival in New Brunswick (twice), Aloud International Children’s Festival in Ontario, Weaving Words Conference in Alberta, Literacy for Life Conference in Saskatchewan, the Red Cedar Awards in British Columbia, the Orange County Children’s Book Festival in Costa Mesa, California and the 2010 Women’s Writers’ Festival in Irvine, California. She also speaks to other writers about the business of writing and was the Keynote Speaker for SCBWI's Canada East conference in 2016.
A New York native, she has lived happily in Toronto for more than 20 years. She has served on the executive board of CANSCAIP (the Canadian Society of Children’s Authors and Illustrators), and is also a member of the Canadian Children’s Book Centre, the Canadian Science Writers Association and SCBWI. She is married with two sons and has the cutest dog in the world, Ella. She is also a runner, a loud laugher, and a certified KABOOM!!!! pyrotechnician.
Helaine volunteers regulary for literacy causes and is actively involved in presentations and projects in association with the CNIB, ABC Literacy Canada, First Book Canada, and Librarians without Borders. You can follow her on Twitter at www.twitter.com/helainebecker.