Ian Wallace is one of Canada's best known and loved author-illustrators of children's books. Over a long and distinguished career he has published many picture book classics, including 'Canadian Railroad Trilogy' by Gordon Lightfoot, 'Chin Chiang and the Dragon's Dance', 'Boy of the Deeps', 'The Name of the Tree' by Celia Barker Lottridge, Very Last First Time' by Jan Andrews, 'The Huron Carol' by Father Jean de Brebeuf, and 'The Sleeping Porch'. He has won the Elizabeth Mrazik-Cleaver Picture Book Award, the Mr. Christie's Book Award, the Amelia Frances Howard-Gibbon Book Award and the IODE Violet Downey Book Award. He has also been nominated for the prestigious Hans Christian Anderson Award. Ian currently lives in Brookline, Massachusetts, with his wife, Deb.