Jaclyn Piudik is the author of The Dark Oar [English translations of Paul Celan's French self-translations] (Beautiful Outlaw, 2024), To Suture What Frays (Kelsay Books, 2017), Seduction: Out of Eden, written collaboratively with Janet R. Kirchheimer (Kelsay Books, 2022), and three chapbooks, the corpus undone in the blizzard (Espresso Chapbboks, 2019), Of Gazelles Unheard (Beautiful Outlaw, 2013) and The Tao of Loathliness (fooliar press, 2005/8). Jaclyn's poems have appeared in numerous anthologies and journals, including New American Writing, Columbia Poetry Review, Burning House, Barrow Street and Contemporary Verse 2. Her poem. "Clepsydra," was the winner of the 2022 League of Canadian Poets' Very Small Verse Contest. She is received a New York Times Fellowship for Creative Writing and the Alice M. Sellers Award from the Academy of American Poets. In 2018, Jaclyn's poem, "The Sum of Exterior Angles," was long-listed for the Vallum Poem of the Year Prize.Jaclyn hails from New York City and currently lives and works in Toronto. She holds an M.A. in Creative Writing from the City College of New York, completed under the supervision of Elaine Equi and Marilyn Hacker, as well as a Ph.D. in Medieval Studies from the University of Toronto. Jaclyn's Ph.D. dissertation, Hybridity in th 14th-Century Esther Poems of Israel Caslari, explores two sister texts, adaptations of the Book of Esther, composed in Provencal and Hebrew. Jaclyn teaches both creative and academic writing at the graduate, undergraduate and high school level and works as an editor and translator of poetry and has edited three collections of poetry for award winning Canadian publisher Book*hug. She has taught poetry workshops in public schools through the Poetry Outreach Center and the Teachers' and Writers' Collaborative in New York and has taught Writer's Craft at a private Toronto high school. She has also facilitates private workshops on reading and writing poetry, translation and transcreation for various levels and provides mentoring, tutoring and editing services.