Katia Grubisic is a writer, editor, and translator.
She has been a finalist for the A.M. Klein Prize for Poetry, and her collection of poems What if red ran out won the Gerald Lampert award for best first book. Her translations into English include works by Marie-Claire Blais, Nicole Brossard, Martine Delvaux, and Stéphane Martelly. She has twice been shortlisted for the Governor General’s Award for translation, for David Clerson’s first novel, Brothers (QC Fiction, 2016), and Alina Dumitrescu’s A Cemetery for Bees (LLP, 2021); her translation of Marie-Claire Blais's Nights Too Short to Dance (Second Story Press, 2023) won the award in 2024.
She has been guest faculty in creative writing at Bishop’s University, part-time creative writing faculty at Concordia University, and has taught in CÉGEPS and for the Quebec Writers’ Federation. She coordinated the Atwater Poetry Project reading series, was a frequent guest editor for The New Quarterly, and served as editor-in-chief at Arc poetry magazine. She was a founding editor of the Icehouse Poetry imprint at Goose Lane Editions, and associate editor with Linda Leith Publishing. She is frequently solicited as a member of literary and grant juries, on consultative bodies, and as a book reviewer.