LARA MARGARET MARJERRISON is a queer, multidisciplinary artist with a vision of impacting the world around her through the transformative power of visual art and storytelling. She spends her days writing poetry and prose, dabbling in photography, and playing with paint, bringing to life her inside stories.
Passionately motivated by social justice and on a never-ending quest of personal evolution, Lara is a freedom fighter on a mission to liberate the voiceless, beaten down, and bound. Lara views art as a bridge between people and a means of reaching beyond her own limitations. Through her workshops, talks, poetry, and performance, she helps people tap into the unlimited power of words to heal from harm so they can show up as their whole selves, fully present and grounded in their power. Ultimately, all her work is about connection, because she knows: when we connect, we care, and when we care, we take better care...of ourselves, of others, and of the world around us.
Lara resides in Toronto with her son and her cat. When not at home creating, she’s most likely to be riding her bike or (in non-pandemic times) travelling the globe...collecting experiences, fresh perspectives, and lots and lots of rocks.
- Spoken Word Performance followed by Q&A and Discussion
- Writing for Mental Health followed by Q&A and Discussion
- Examining the Stories followed by Q&A and Discussion
Topics can be customized to suit the audience or organization's needs.
Fee will vary depending upon workshop duration, but TWUC minimums will apply.
- Storytelling on Stage
- The Elements of Story
- Healing with Words
- Examining the Stories We Tell
- Exploring Imagination
- Character-Based Storytelling
Topics and workshop length will vary depending upon audience and location. Fee will vary depending upon workshop duration, but TWUC minimums will apply.
A discussion about the stories we tell and the impact on the world around us, why our words and ideas matter. An exploration of the stories we've been told and how they've shaped our beliefs—about ourselves and others—and how those beliefs manifest as actions. Examining broader narratives and exploring how each individual story weaves into the whole. Discussing why each thread is critically important.
Fee will vary depending upon workshop duration, but TWUC minimums will apply.