Lucia is the author of nine books. Her book, Spiral, was a finalist at the Next Generation Indie Book Awards (2011) and Letters to the Grave received an Honourable Mention at the Whistler Independent Book Awards (2012).
Her work is included in the 2024 Next Generation Short Story Awards Anthology of Winners (Headline Books 2024), the Lifespan Anthology: Loss (Bequem Publishing: Pure Slush, 2024), and People, Places, Passages: An Anthology of Canadian Literature (Longbridge Books, 2018). Her poetry has been published in Stile Magazine, Skirting Around Magazine, From Glasgow to Saturn, a University of Glasgow literary magazine, and in the special issue of Lancaster University’s Lune Journal: Dreamfactory, part of Cinema Memory and the Digital Archive Project.
‘Points’, one of her short stories, can be found in Short Édition’s Short Circuit Magazine Issue #07, as well as through its English dispensers. Her podcast, Dear Me, is part of Litro Magazine’s Litro Lab. She has also collaborated with Brick, A Literary Journal, as the editor and producer of The Craft of Editing, a series of in-depth discussions between a number of Brick contributors and the magazine’s editors.
She has a Combined Honours BA (Summa Cum Laude) from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and earned an MLitt in Creative Writing (with Distinction) from the University of Glasgow.
Lucia is pursuing her doctorate and working on her new novel.