M.A.C. Farrant is the author of nineteen works of fiction, memoir, non-fiction and plays. Her stage adaptation of My Turquoise Years premiered on April 10, 2013 at the Arts Club Theatre’s Granville Island Stage in Vancouver for a subsequent run of thirty-seven performances. The World Afloat - Miniatures, part 1 in a trilogy of miniature fiction, was published by Talonbooks in 2014 and won the City of Victoria Butler Book Prize for 2014. Part 2, The Days, was published by Talonbooks in 2016 and was a finalist for both the Victoria Butler Book Prize and the Relit Award. Part 3, The Great Happiness, will appear from Talon in the Spring of 2019. "One Good Thing--A Living Memoir" appeared from Talon Books in February, 2021, becoming a BC Bestseller. Her latest non-fiction book from Talon, JIGSAW, was published in September, 2023. Forthcoming in late summer, 2024: an expanded version of My Turquoise Years--20th Anniversary Edition, which includes an Introduction by Lynne Van Luven, Preface by the author, and five "encore stories. Farrant has also published over a dozen chapbooks, most recently, "Some of the Puzzles" (2021) and "The Literary Cow Festival" (2024) both from above/ground press. Currently residing in North Saanich, B.C., her work has been nominated for many awards, including the Commonwealth Writers Prize, The Van City Book Prize, the Ethel Wilson Fiction Prize, the National Magazine Awards, and the Gemini Awards for the Bravo adaptation of her story, Rob’s Guns & Ammo. As well, she has been awarded a number of writing grants from the Canada Council and the B.C. Arts Council. She was a regular book reviewer for the Vancouver Sun and the Toronto Globe & Mail. "Farrant’s work is infused with acerbic wit and iconoclastic innovation". As the Globe & Mail has noted, “Farrant is better at startling us with unnerving, often misanthropic, visions of everyday life than perhaps any other Canadian writer.” The Ottawa Citizen has called Farrant “One of the best humourists in the land.” BC Bookworld has called her “Canada’s most ascerbic and intelligent humourist.”