Martha Attema was born in Friesland (The Netherlands). In 1981, she moved to Canada with her husband and three children. From 1987 - 2012, she has been teaching kindergarten, grade one and two. She started writing stories in English in 1987. She draws ideas from history, folk tales and legends of her native Friesland. Recently, she incorporates her concern for the environment into her writing. Martha enjoys virtual classroom visits.
Virtual visits, using slide show presentation.
- writing workshops
- oral storytelling workshops
Writing Workshop: Depending on the age group, writers will learn about character development, setting, plot and story endings, using drama.
Storytelling workshop: students will be introduced to different ways in which stories can be told. e.g. circle stories, pourquoi tales, fables, myths and legends.
Presentations with slide show.
Writing workshops
Oral storytelling workshop