Michelle Elrick is the author of the books Then/Again and To Speak, and the chapbooks Photon Touch and remember the old log house. She is also an established poetry-film-maker, with recent releases "The __ Place," "Ditches" and "Trace" gaining audiences on CBC television, CBC.ca and at film festivals around the globe. In 2019, she released a studio album of poetry set to music with Michael Belyea under the name River of Diamonds. Elrick is a graduate of The Writers' Studio at Simon Fraser University, a recipient of the John Hirsch Award, and a past Treasurer of the Writers' Federation of Nova Scotia. In her day job, she operates a bookkeeping and business management firm and specializes in accounting for musicians and arts organizations. An internationally received artist, Elrick has read at festivals and events across Canada and Europe. Her multidisciplinary approach to poetry has spanned performance, sculptural installation, film and experimental cartography. She has recently joined a handful of other poets in launching a new community radio show all about poetry in Queens County, Nova Scotia. Find her on IG @michelle.elrick, where she posts (very occasionally) about books, nature, music and her huskyX Pinto.