Robert Hilles divides his time between Nanaimo, BC and Khon Kaen, Thailand. He won the Governor General’s Award for Poetry for Cantos from A Small Room and has published twenty-four books including eighteen books of poetry. His twenty-fifth book will appear in 2023 and is a book of flash fiction called The Pink Puppet. His latest poetry book is From God’s Angle. His third novel Don’t Hang Your Soul on That was published in 2021. Raising of Voices, won the George Bugnet Award while his second novel, A Gradual Ruin, was published by Doubleday Canada. His poetry book, Wrapped Within Again, won the Stephan Stephansson Award. His books have also been shortlisted for The Milton Acorn People’s Poetry Prize, The W.O. Mitchell/City of Calgary Prize, The Stephan Stephansson Award, and The Howard O’Hagan Award. He is currently working on a novel called, The Stone Boats and a book of poem called, Morning Poems. His webpage is: https://roberthilles.wordpress.com/
Writing and publishing your word