Born in Montreal, Quebec, to Barbadian parents in 1968, Robert Edison Sandiford is a short story writer, graphic novelist, novelist, freelance editor, and journalist. After obtaining a BA in English Literature from McGill University in 1990, he worked briefly as a clerk for a wholesale bookseller while writing short stories, articles and comics. His essays and stories have appeared in numerous journals, magazines and anthologies over the years, among them The Globe and Mail, The Antigonish Review, Caribbean Travel & Life, Callaloo, The Comics Journal, and Chocolate Flava. His fiction has been called “imaginably simple [yet] also imaginatively complex” by the poet George Elliott Clarke. From 1997 to 2001, Robert was the associate literary editor then arts and entertainment editor of the Nation newspaper in Barbados. He has taught research methods/paper (and creative writing when offered) at Barbados Community College since 2002, and has produced documentary and award-winning animated shorts with Warm Water Productions. In 2003, he and sister writer Linda M. Deane founded the Barbadian cultural resource ArtsEtc Inc (artsetcbarbados.com). He has also participated in the Quebec Writers’ Federation's Mentorship Program.