Sandi Johnson is interested in imaginative work that is socially relevant. "The Comfort of Angels," a fictional work, is based on her experience of working with Ojibwa Indians in northwestern Ontario. It portrays dignified characters who desire freedom and a better life. "The Wonderful Naked Man," a luminescent, purposeful champion of the alternate possibilities in life, expresses Sandi's effort in the war against inhibitions. Originally from Northwestern Ontario, she resides on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia.
Active P.A.S.S. Theatre, Salt Spring Island, has produced for stage:
“The Comfort of Angels, Selected Readings,” “a remarkable piece of work providing insight into the simple, sad and beautiful lives of Native Indian people.”
“The Wonderful Naked Man,” a comedy. “As unembellished entertainment The Wonderful Naked Man is an undisguised success.”
“The Taste of Rain,” an original drama written in collaboration with Lynda Jensen, which “pierced the steely senses.”
“Ellie the Singing Cashier,” a monologue was produced by PAL Theatre, Vancouver in 2012.
“People Like Us,” the story of a Canadian Military policeman’s return from the 1991 Gulf War, was commissioned by Maggie Schubart in the interest of peace. In 2012 the script received readings directed by Nicola Cavendish at Presentation House Theatre and Arts Club Theatre, Vancouver. It was produced by Firehall Arts Centre, Vancouver, November 02 - 16, 2013. Directed by Sarah Rodgers with Sarah Louise Turner as Kate Rourke, it's described as "powerful", "mesmerizing", "moving, intricately crafted work".
Sandi is a member of Playwrights Theatre Centre, Vancouver. She reviews books, the arts and entertainment.
She participated with six poems in "Empty Places - Open Spaces," an art show about personal grief, at ArtSpring, Salt Spring Isand, April 18 -28, 2014. The poems were well-received.
"Western Music in the Meringue" was produced by King's Theatre, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia June 13 - 15, 2014 in King's Shorts, a festival of ten minute plays. It was awarded first prize for the best script by members of the board of Theatre Nova Scotia.
"Unfringed," the Gulf Islands' February 2015 tour of four plays featured "Western Music in the Meringue" with Marit Christensen.
"The Wonderful Naked Man" received a reading at Intrepid Theatre Club, Victoria, B.C., 03 March 2015.
"The Colours in Her Eyes," a two act play with four characters received a Community Theatre play reading on Salt Spring Island in January 2016. It is the story of a woman and man who endure by entertaining each other when they lose everything.
January 2018, "People Like Us" was included in Kay Meek Play Reading Series, Vancouver. Directed by Nicola Cavendish with Erin Ormond as Kate Rourke, the reading/ performance received much praise.
September 08, 2019 "The Colours in Her Eyes" received a reading at The Point Gallery, Salt Spring Island. "A poetic treat, delicious. Beautifully, poignantly crafted."
Poetry reading October 17, 2019 at Kasbah Xalucca, Dades, Morocco.
October 16-01 November 2020, participated in the Writers and Visual Artists' collaborative exhibit curated by Margaret Day at ArtSpring, SSI. I collaborated with artist Stefanie Denz by writing a poem/portrait titled "Actuality, Truth and Tenderness". Also, Stefanie constructed a cardboard house in which the text for my play "The Colours in Her Eyes" dwells.
Celebrating National Poetry Month, participated in readings by seven Salt Spring Poets, Saturday, April 17th 2021.