Sheun Lee, a clinical pharmacist with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, is also an accomplished children’s picture book author writing in Cantonese, English, French, and Mandarin. Hailing from Canada and a heritage Cantonese speaker, her dedication to multilingual storytelling stems from raising her own multilingual child. With a belief in the boundless potential of every child, she created the Discover with Jade Books series to support families on their language-learning journeys, helping them enrich their vocabulary and discover the wonders of the world.
Sheun is a passionate presenter who tailors her presentation to the group. She creates engaging visits that inspire budding young readers.
Here is what you can expect:
- Sheun will visit your class or library and talk about being an author, read her children's picture book, and answer questions!
- Virtual and limited location in-person visits available.
- Book readings in English, bilingual English/French, or bilingual English/Cantonese.
Sheun is a passionate presenter who tailors her presentation to the group. She creates engaging school visits that inspire budding young readers.
Here is what you can expect:
- Sheun will visit your class and talk about being an author with a slideshow presentation, read her children's picture book, and answer questions!
- Virtual and limited location in-person visits available.
- Book readings in English, bilingual English/French, or bilingual English/Cantonese.
- Visits can be configured as an auditorium visit, a classroom visit, or two half hour classroom/auditorium visits to suit the school’s needs.