Stephen Colwell
Stephen Colwell is the author of Flying With Dragons – Notes, Practices, and Anecdotes from the Xiu Lian Purification Journey (Waterside Press, 2016). Stephen has traveled the spiritual path for over fifty years, meditating and studying with world-renowned spiritual teachers including Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. In 2009, Stephen became a Disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda. In 2016, he became a Master Teacher in Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha's Tao Academy.
Stephen enjoyed a highly successful 25-year career at Fidelity Investments where he designed and programmed IT systems for Fidelity’s global trading desks and launched several international businesses as Vice President of Strategic Planning and New Business Development.
Stephen retired in 2008 to write and pursue his spiritual journey full-time. He is also the author of two novels: The Ivory Monkeys (Rock Publishing, 2009) and Kissing Carmen (Front Porch Publishing, 2012).
He currently resides in Ontario, Canada with his wife Avi as co-owners of Tao Happiness Joy, a spiritual counseling and soul healing business offering teachings and soul blessing services to clients worldwide. Steve is also the Systems Administrator at the Love Peace Harmony Foundation charitable organization serving people in need all around the world.
How to Find a Spiritual Master
- What is a spiritual teacher and why is the benefit of finding your teacher to guide you on the spiritual journey back to Heaven (20 min)
- Describe the role of the spiritual teacher in identifying blockages/challenges in life (negative karma) and teaching spiritual practices and techniques to heal trauma, illness, and challenges in life. (20 min)
- Describe amusing/inspiring personal experiences/anecdotes/stories with many teachers in this life including: (30 min)
- Tim Leary/Richard Alpert
- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
- Trogyam Chongpa Rinpoche
- Paramahansa Yogananda
- Master Zhi Gong Sha
- Q/A and Follow-up (20 min)
Introduction to Soul Healing Practices and Techniques to Self Heal
- Purpose of learning soul-healing techniques (25 min)
- Benefits of soul healing including healing of: (30 min)
- Physical conditions/illness/disease
- Emotional imbalances
- Mental illness
- Relationship challenges
- Financial challenges
- Business challenges
- Guided soul-healing practice session (50 min)
- Demo of soul-healing blessing for an audience volunteer
- Feedback and spiritual reading of volunteer experience during the healing
- Soul Healing blessing for the attendees for their chosen condition/situation
- Q/A and Follow-up (20 min)
What is the Soul and Soul Journey?
- Introduce concepts of soul, karma, reincarnation that many religions embrace (15 min)
- Review high-level concepts common to most religions (5 min)
- Describe the soul journey (20)
- Include stories/anecdotes from my own journey
- Describe what is a spiritual teacher and benefits of connecting with a teacher. (5 min)
- Questions and Follow-Up (15 min)