The author of five books of non-fiction, Stephen Dale has also made documentaries for CBC Radio's "Ideas" and other programs; worked as Canadian correspondent for InterPress Service (a news agency based in Rome, Italy, with a focus on the developing world); written a column for Canadian Family magazine; was a staff writer at NOW, Toronto's alternative newsweekly; and has worked on contract for several public interest organizations and agencies. As a freelancer, his articles have appeared in publications such as the Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star, This Magazine, New York Newsday, The Washington Post, Canadian Forum, Canadian Business and Toronto Life. He also occaisionally makes podcasts.
His latest book is Shift Change: Scenes from a Post-industrial Revolution, which examines the remaking of Hamilton, Ontario--once Canada's steel capital--and asks whether the city can resist all-too-familiar patterns of gentrification and dislocation, and remain a place where people across the social spectrum feel welcomed. More information: https://btlbooks.com/book/shift-change; www.stephendale.ca