Tina Capalbo is a teacher, writer, avid walker, mom, and life-long delver in the arts. She is part artist and maker, part thinker and strategist. Tina has worn many hats over the years. In addition to lesson plans, blogs, and stories, Tina has written everything from corporate architectural proposals to volunteer manuals and educator packs for music and film festivals. When Tina finds something she loves, there is no better advocate. She is up to her eyeballs in learning and growing and up to her old tricks hoping to inspire others in their own growth. Tina seeks out meaningful moments and connects with people and places in purposeful ways. You can always count on her even if you can't quite predict her next move. Sometimes she pulls out her tarot cards.
Tina completed her Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education degrees at Western and her Master of Arts degree in English at Dalhousie. Over the past thirty years, Tina has taught in Tokyo, Toronto, London, Halifax, and online. She has been a high school English and Drama teacher, online writing teacher, social media marketing consultant, communications coordinator / proposal writer, youth theatre co-founder and artistic director, and mom to her sons.